Cannabis Scented/Green Color Premium Handmade Fountain Pen ink by De Atraments®
Cannabis Scented/Green Color Premium Handmade Fountain Pen ink by De Atraments®

Cannabis Scented/Green Color Premium Handmade Fountain Pen ink by De Atraments®

Cannabis Scented/Green Color Premium Handmade Fountain Pen ink by De Atraments®
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Only De Atramentis® would be bold enough to present this...cannabis scented fountain pen ink!
bottle size: ~35 mL glass bottle
ink scent: cannabis scented
ink color: green
Cannabis label: is in English and NOT in German as noted on the photo.
Features Benefits
ONE in stock
If not in stock, will be a special order item so allow approximately 3 weeks to receive once order is placed. Subject to availability