Platinum® Resin Smooth Barrel Fountain Pen with 18 karat gold medium nib....last one
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Platinum�: #3776 Smooth Barrel Fountain Pen Series
The platinum 3776 is named after the height of Mount Fuji in meters. Deep convolutions are carved throughout the barrel to prevent it from slipping from your hand. Model #3776. This convoluted shape prevents the air in the barrel from expanding and results in a consistent flow of ink.
18 karat gold-medium only
FP ink converter:
included [will take ONLY Platinum® converter]
AS resin; #3776 series
Platinum® #3776 Fountain Pen length:
136.5 mm
Platinum® #3776 Fountain Pen max diameter:
14.5 mm
Platinum® #3776 Fountain Pen weight:
17.8 gm
ink supply:
converter [will take ONLY Platinum® converter] or standard international ink cartridges
FP bottled ink recommended by:
De Atramentis®, Noodler's Ink®, Parker®, Pelikan®, Private Reserve Ink®, Sheaffer® Skrip®,Waterman®
FP ink cartridges recommended by:
MonteVerde®, Private Reserve Ink®, Schneider® 600, Sheaffer®
Gift box:
ONE 18 karat Red GT with medium nib....no longer being offered; 18kt nib at 14kt price!
Last of this series.....